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Client authority - Bridal

Client name*
Email address*
Phone number*


Dress brand*


Other notes/comments

Check List

  • Care Label
  • Any delicate items noted
  • Any ties / connectors in dress layers to be un-done or cut?
  • Are these to be re-attached or left as is?
  • Lace, wear, pulling, rips or marks?
  • Beads, sequins, delicate fabric?
  • Ruffles, Gathers that may be high risk when pressing?
  • Is there likely to be any chance with a change in colour or dye running?
  • Is there anything that could potentially cause damage / catch when being cleaned?
  • Is there likely to be any shrinkage?

Please describe any information regarding: Holes, snags, open seams, Secondary Addition Alterations, loose beading or ornamentation not securely fixed and other remarks e.g stains.



Drycleaning of specialty items such as wedding gowns is usually successful, however sometimes problems can occur that are beyond our control of the drycleaner. The following are some examples of what can go wrong.

Antique Gowns: These often have yellow stains from problems associated with long term storage. Depending on the type and strength of the fabric they can often be successfully removed. In some instances, the fabric has deteriorated with time and holes may appear where stains have been. This process will be at the customers risk.

Beading, Sequins and Diamante: Large blocks of trim and other embellishments are often removed prior to the dry cleaning process to protect them. (There maybe a charge to have these sewn back on the gown after the gown is cleaned). Diamante stones that have either been sewn on or use metal claws must be tight. Trims that are attached individually or latched on in sequence that are not mentioned in the care label will be at the customers own risk.

Pleated Fabric: Although most modern pleated fabrics perform well through the cleaning process, if they require pre-treatment due to grass, dirt or other organic soiling, then there is a possibility that the pleating will drop out of the fabric and if not mentioned in the care label will be at the customers own risk.

Hem Lines: Often a gown has excessive soiling and / or damage along the hem-line after being worn or has sustained damage from the heel of a shoe. Although we will take every effort to return the gown to its original pristine condition some staining or pre-existing damage may still be present after cleaning.

Secondary Alterations: Any third party additions to an off the shelf Gown must be pointed out to our staff. The addition material or features need to be written on the “Other notes/Comments” text box above. These additions can effect the way we clean the gown with the factory wash care label that is in the Gown.

Packaging: After your gown is cleaned we return your gowns in a breathable wedding bag or Acid Free storage box if you select that item.

Clients Authority:

Newtone Drycleaners use the most advanced cleaning processes to ensure your gown is returned to you in the best possible condition, with the least amount of rick, one of our experienced drycleaners will make an appraisal of your gown and if we feel there is any risk involved you will be notified prior to cleaning.

Whilst we make every effort to ensure a successful result, we cannot, however accept and responsibility for the outcome, due to the above Newtone Drycleaners cleans wedding gowns at C.O.R (Customers own Risk) only.